Our Term Classes help children learn to draw, illustrate, construct and sculpt, exploring high quality art materials and learning fundamental visual art concepts in an engaging and supportive environment. Each child is encouraged to express their unique ideas and create art that is meaningful and one of a kind. Through art making children develop such skills as creative thinking, problem-solving, analytic skills and conceptualisation of ideas.
Our Art Club course is an ideal program for children to get familiar with a variety of art materials and styles - we have a little bit of everything from all our courses in this program!
WATCH our video 👈
Throughout the term the children will be involved into three art projects... - one drawing project; one painting project; one construction project.*
Drawing and painting projects range from imaginative to observational drawing/painting using dry art media and acrylic paints. 3D sculpture projects range from exploring clay, plaster, paper-mache, steam punk and paper construction.
*Please note that these courses are all project-based which means the children will be engaged in three projects during the term. Each project will take two to three lessons to finish. We do not encourage casual drop in visits here as it takes more than one class to finish a project.
✅ EXPLORE & CREATE - Mixed Media (ages 4-5)
Would you like to engage your older preschooler (second year of preschool) into a high quality school readiness program? Look no further!
Our art class for older preschoolers with the focus on open-ended yet structured art exploration is the best choice as children in our studio practice fine motor skills and learn to follow instructions while being engaged in a meaningful,...developmentally appropriate and engaging learning activity!
This program requires children to use their emergent representational drawing skills with a lot of guided drawing practice. We are moving slowly from abstract art to representational leaving room for a lot of young children's creativity and individuality.
Moreover, we read a lot of picture books to engage our literacy skills and look at information books to ignite our curiosity and develop our background knowledge for being able to create meaningful art.*
Bear in mind that young children benefit from continuous uninterrupted practice and usually take some time to settle into a new environment. It might take a couple of terms for a child to get used to the teacher and the program so it's best to come regularly if you would like to see the educational benefits of our program.
Learning will include:
- Observational drawing using drawing materials (pencils, pens, ink, watercolour)
- Collage techniques (cutting, tearing, gluing)
- Painting with wet media (acrylics and tempera paint)
- 3D Construction (clay, plasticine, cardboard sculpture)
DOWNLOAD our brochure or WATCH our video 👈
Please note that this is a drop off class.
- Monday 1.00 - 2.00 (Term 1 starts February 10) - Teacher: Victoria
- Wednesday 1.00 - 2.00 (Term 1 starts February 12) - Teacher: Victoria
- Friday 1.00 - 2.00 (Term 1 starts February 14) - Teacher: Victoria
Price: $280 (incl. GST) per term (8 classes)
✅ Art Club - Drawing, Painting, 3D Construction (ages 5-6)
DOWNLOAD our brochure 🌈
- Friday - 3.45-5.15 (Term 1 starts February 14) - Teacher: Victoria
Price: $370 (incl. GST) per term (8 classes)
✅ Art Club - Drawing, Painting, 3D Construction (ages 7-8)
DOWNLOAD our brochure 🌈
- Monday - 3.45-5.15 (Term 1 starts February 10) - Teacher: Victoria
- Wednesday - 3.45-5.15 (Term 1 starts February 12) - Teacher: Victoria
- Friday - 5.30-7.00 (Term 1 starts February 14) - Teacher: Victoria
Price: $370 (incl. GST) per term (8 classes)
✅ Art Club - Drawing, Painting, 3D Construction (ages 9+)
- Wednesday - 5:30-7:00 (Term 1 starts February 12) - Teacher: Victoria
- Thursday - 3.45-5.15 (Term 1 starts February 13) - Teacher: Victoria
- Thursday - 5:30-7:00 (Term 1 starts February 13) - Teacher: Victoria
Price: $370 (incl. GST) per term (8 classes)
🌄 Teens Club (Drawing and Painting) (ages 12+)
From observational drawing to practising their imagination, the older children will develop their ability to visually capture the world around them learning the core foundations of art skills.
Through the practice of drawing, we will develop the basic art skills the artists need to be able to render their subject - drawing basic 3D shapes and using them to construct their subject, creating value and form, drawing texture, perspective drawing, drawing from photos and life.
Drawing materials that will be used over the year: graphite, markers, charcoal, pastels, coloured pencils, ink and watercolour.
*Please note that these courses are all project-based which means the children will be engaged in three projects during the term. Each project will take two to three lessons to finish. We do not encourage casual drop-in visits here as it takes more than one class to finish a project.